This Day In History

Summary of Events for  No. 439 (CAN) Squadron 

as recorded in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book


15 November 1944

 B-78 Holland

Cloudy all day with ground haze thus foiling operations so that the squadron was released in the afternoon. F/O J. Stitt returned from England this morning with a new Typhoon. Heavy bombers could be heard at 15:00 hours wending their way towards Germany. The mobile dentist and his Sergeant, left our dispersal after spending approximately two weeks working on the pilot's teeth; All pilots were checked, but some would not go back for a second helping!


Detail of Work Carried Out by  No. 439 RCAF Squadron 

as compiled by in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 541

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down

Details of Sortie or Flight

No Ops today.


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