This Day In History

Summary of Events for  No. 439 (CAN) Squadron 

as recorded in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 540


11 October 1944

 B.78 Eindhoven, Holland

Cloudy in the morning breaking  up towards lunch, then it closed in again late in the afternoon with rain at night. The Canadian Army put on a pretty good bit of humour in their show at Eindhoven this evening and the customers mostly servicemen had difficult in restraining their snickers and laughter, especially when it put a riotous Hitler act and a rootin, tootin cowboy scene. This is the fourth consecutive day without any operations so that the fellows are contemplating on wiring home for their bathing suits.

Detail of Work Carried Out by  No. 439 RCAF Squadron 

as compiled by in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 541

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down


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Details of Sortie or Flight

No operations were carried out on this date.

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