This Day In History

Summary of Events for  No. 439 (CAN) Squadron 

as recorded in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 540


28 September 1944

 B.78 Eindhoven, Holland 

Clear weather prevailed with scattered cumulus cloud. Three operations were carried out during the day and evening. On the last show, J.14529 F/O J.A. Cote, a very recent addition to our Squadron, lost his section leader in the darkness and has not been heard of since. As he has had considerable flying experience, we are very hopeful in seeing him rejoin the Squadron soon. Although too late, W/O 2 Gray's commission came through today which he had before going on leave. His new number and rank J.88900 P/O in the Reserve, Special Section, effective 14-7-44.

Detail of Work Carried Out by  No. 439 RCAF Squadron 

as compiled by in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 541

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down












F/L Burton W.D.

F/O Carr J.

F/O Laycock M.P.

F/O Rassenti N.H.

F/O Stetler J.

F/O Smith R.V.

F/O Johns R.A.

F/O Laurence R.H.

F/O Swingler B.P.

F/O MacDonald R.N.

F/L Monson A.E.

F/o Burgess C.L.

Fighter Sweep 06:10 07:40
Details of Sortie or Flight

This was a twelve plane fighter sweep to be carried out over the Nijmegen-Arnhiem area under command of F/L Burton. Shortly after take-off R/T trouble made it necessary for F/O Johns to return to base. Mechanical trouble in the aircraft made landing difficult and F/O Johns made four passes at the field before setting down at 135 mph with switches off. F/O Laurence, as number 2, returned to base at the same time. The remaining 10 aircraft carried out the sweep and received two vectors towards enemy formations but spotted only large numbers of friendly aircraft. All aircraft returned to base after an uneventful patrol.

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down






F/O Stelter J.

F/O Rassenti N.H.

F/O Laycock M.P.

F/O Smith R.V.

F/O Stitt J.H.

F/O MacDonald R.N.

Fighter Sweep 16:00 17:00

Details of Sortie or Flight

Our six aircraft on standby at the runway were scrambled under command of F/O Stelter. These aircraft carried out an uneventful fighter sweep in the Wesel area. Some intense light accurate flak was fired from position at E.8527. All aircraft returned to base undamaged.

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down













F/L Monson A.E.

F/O Cote J.A.

F/O Stitt J.H.

F/O Laurence R.H.

F/L Burton

F/O Carr J.

F/O Stelter J.

F/O Fraser J.G.

F/O Johns R.A.

F/O Bernhart P.N.

F/O Hogg J.E.

P/O McBride A.C.

Fighter Patrol 18:25
























Details of Sortie or Flight

Tonight as the sun was going down behind the horizon, twelve of our aircraft took-off to carry out a fighter patrol in the Nijmegen area. The area was reached and the patrol began in semi-darkness. Before half an hour elapsed, no pilot was able to see more than one other aircraft in the dark, and that was his section mate. At about 19:20 hours, Controller informed us of numerous "bandits" approaching our area. Shortly afterwards, a very large number of incendiary bombs and flares were dropped in the area and the searchlights and flak opened up. Our Typhoons covered the area from 11,000 feet and down to 1,000 feet, in the heavy darkness not one enemy aircraft was spotted. Fuel time running low, the Squadron set course for base. One of our newer pilots, F/O J.A. Cote J.14529, became separated from his section mate in the dark and became lost. He asked for a homing to base but apparently his R/T receiver was U/S and he could not get it. Eleven aircraft returned safely to base but F/O Cote did not. Control maintained watch for him by R/T, flares and beacons, but to no avail.

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