This Day In History

Summary of Events for  No. 439 (CAN) Squadron 

as recorded in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book


22 January 1944

 Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland

S/L Smith, F/O's Monson, Dixon, and Johns flew in Hurricanes 888, 507, 132, and 568 to Acklington where they are taking an R.P. (1) Course. F/O's Allen and Smith departed by train. F/ O Stelter made forced landing in field at approximately 1000 hours in Hurricane KZ382. He was at a height of 1500 feet when his engine cut, due to failure on his part to switch over to main tanks. However he made beautiful wheels up landing and only suffered a cut lip, which required a few stitches. Flying all day.

(1) R.P. Rocket Projectiles.

Webmasters notes: Of the 5 aircraft listed above, only one (LE-568) belonged to 439. Most likely, shortages required the pooling of aircraft among squadrons.

Detail of Work Carried Out by  No. 439 RCAF Squadron 

as compiled by in the  439 Squadron Operations Record Book Form 541

A/C Type & Number Crew Duty Up Down


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Details of Sortie or Flight

No Operations were carried out on this date.

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